Helium quench - MRI Quench

Helium Quench in MRI: What you need to know

Magnetic Resonance Imaging has revolutionized the way doctors diagnose and treat medical conditions. MRI machines utilize potent magnets, gases like helium, and radio waves to generate detailed images of the body’s internal structures. However, the functioning of an MRI scanner involves intricate processes, one of which is the helium quench. In this article, we will explore the concept of helium Quenching in MRI scans and its significance. 

Understanding MRI Scans

Before delving into the specifics of helium quench, it is essential to grasp the basics of an MRI scan. MRI machines employ a combination of strong magnetic fields and radio frequency pulses to create detailed images of the body’s internal organs and tissues. The process begins by placing the patient inside a cylindrical tube-like structure, known as the MRI scanner.

Role of Helium in MRI Scanners

Helium, a colorless and odorless gas, plays a crucial role in the functioning of MRI scanners. The machine utilizes it to cool down the superconducting magnets. These magnets are responsible for producing the powerful magnetic fields required for the scan. The superconducting materials used in the attractions require extremely low temperatures to maintain their superconductivity, and this is where helium comes into play.

What is Helium Quench?

Helium - Element

A helium quench refers to an emergency where the helium inside the MRI scanner rapidly transits from its supercooled state to a gaseous state. A variety of factors, such as a power failure, equipment malfunction, or human error, trigger this sudden phase change. During a helium quench, the cryogenically cooled magnets in the MRI machine start to warm up rapidly.

There are two main types of quenches: accidental quenches, which can occur unexpectedly, and deliberate quenches, Initiated manually in case of an emergency.

The Dangers of the Helium Quench

Helium quench events can pose significant risks to both patients and the MRI scanner itself. When the superconducting magnets warm up, they lose their superconductivity. It results in the loss of the powerful magnetic field required for the scan.

This sudden loss of magnetic field can lead to severe image distortions or even the complete failure of the MRI scan, necessitating a restart or potentially causing harm to the patient.

Moreover, the rapid phase change from liquid helium to gaseous helium can cause a substantial increase in pressure inside the MRI scanner. This pressure buildup can damage the MRI machine, leading to costly repairs and downtime.

Safety Measures and Contingency Plans

To prevent and mitigate the dangers associated with helium quench, MRI facilities have safety measures and contingency plans in place. These measures include the installation of pressure relief systems, emergency ventilation, and proper training for MRI technologists to handle quench events swiftly and safely.

How to check the Helium level in Supercon MRI?

To check the helium level in a superconducting MRI machine, specialized equipment, and procedures are typically required. Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines or contact a qualified service technician for an accurate and safe measurement.

One standard method used to monitor the helium level is through a sensor called a “cryogenic level gauge” or “helium level gauge”. The cryostat of the MRI magnet connects this gauge and measures the pressure of the gaseous helium inside. By monitoring the pressure, Estimate the helium level using the pressure.

It’s important to note that regular preventative maintenance and scheduled inspections are typically performed by trained technicians. It helps in the proper functioning and adequate helium levels of the MRI machine.

Only perform maintenance on MRI machines and handle liquid helium if authorized. Always follow safety precautions.

For more detailed and accurate information on how to check the helium level in a specific superconducting MRI machine, it is best to refer to the manufacturer’s documentation, and guidelines, or contact their technical support.

At what level is Helium Magnet Quench?

The level at which a helium magnet quench occurs can vary depending on various factors, including the specific design and operating conditions of the superconducting magnet. A magnet quench generally happens when there is a sudden rise in temperature in the magnet coil windings. It leads to the loss of superconductivity and the conversion of liquid helium into its gaseous -form. This temperature rise introduces resistivity in the coil windings, causing a reduction in the magnetic field strength.

The Basics of Helium Magnet Quench

Before delving into the specific level at which a helium magnet quench occurs, let’s first grasp the fundamentals. A helium magnet quench refers to the sudden loss of superconductivity in a magnet, resulting in a rapid increase in temperature and the release of helium gas. This phenomenon can be quite disruptive and must be carefully managed within various applications, such as particle accelerators and MRI machines.

Understanding Perplexity and Burstiness

Perplexity and burstiness are crucial concepts when it comes to analyzing the occurrence of helium magnet quenches. Perplexity refers to the unpredictability of when and where a quench may happen, while burstiness relates to the frequency and intensity of quench events. Striking the right balance between these two aspects is essential to ensure the safe and efficient operation of superconducting magnets.

The Factors influencing Helium Magnet Quench

Now, let’s explore the factors that can influence the level at which a helium magnet quench occurs:

1. Magnetic Field Strength

The stronger the magnetic field generated by the superconducting magnet, the higher the risk of a quench. Higher field strengths increase the likelihood of exceeding critical current densities, leading to a loss of superconductivity and subsequent quench events.

2. Temperature

The operating temperature of the magnet plays a significant role in determining the quench level. Superconducting materials have critical temperatures below which they exhibit zero electrical resistance. Operating the magnet close to its critical temperature reduces the margin for error and increases the chances of a quench occurring.

3. Current Density

The current density flowing through the magnet coils is another crucial factor. Higher current densities can push the superconducting material closer to its critical limits, making it more susceptible to quenches. Properly managing the current density is vital for minimizing the risk of quench events.

Importance of Specificity and Context

While it is essential to consider the perplexity and burstiness of helium magnet quenches, maintaining specificity and context is equally crucial. Understanding the specific environment, application, and operational conditions is paramount to implementing effective quench protection measures.

To avoid quenches, cryogenic level sensors, such as oxygen and helium monitors, are commonly used to monitor and maintain proper cryogen levels. Regular monitoring and maintenance of the cryogenic system are typically performed to prevent low cryogen levels that could lead to a quench.

Liquid helium bathes the coils of the superconducting coil windings in the MRI magnets, which require very low temperatures (4K).

How to recover the Quench Magnet and at what time?

Recovering the quench magnet is a crucial process that requires careful consideration of time and procedure. The time it takes to recover from a quench can vary depending on the specific magnet system and the steps taken during the recovery process. It is important to follow the appropriate procedures and guidelines.

Follow certain procedures to recover from a quench in a magnet. Here are some general steps that are typically taken:

  1. Evacuate the affected area: In the event of a magnet quenching, it is essential to evacuate the area surrounding the magnet as quickly as possible. Ensure the safety of personnel and prevent any potential hazards.
  2. Power supply shutdown: Rapidly detecting the quench event will lead to a shutdown of the power supply. This helps to prevent further damage and ensures the safety of the system.
  3. Discharge the magnet: Someone needs to discharge the magnet after the power supply shuts down. Dissipate the magnetic energy onto its thermal mass or through an external dump resistor. Discharging the magnet helps to ensure that the stored energy is safely released.

Understanding Quench Magnet

In simple terms, a quench magnet is a device used in superconducting systems to protect them from damage during a quench event. The quench magnet detects this event and rapidly discharges the stored energy, preventing any potential damage.

Recovering the quench magnet requires a systematic approach to ensure the safety of the system and the personnel involved. Here are the steps involved:

1. Identify the Quench Event

The first step in recovering the quench magnet is to identify the quench event. Various indicators such as temperature rise, abnormal current readings, or system alarms can detect this. It’s crucial to have a reliable monitoring system in place to see these events accurately.

2. Initiate Recovery Procedure

Promptly initiate the recovery procedure once the quenching is detected. This involves isolating the affected area, stopping the power supply, and ensuring proper ventilation to dissipate any residual heat.

3. Allow Sufficient Cooling time

Allow sufficient cooling time for the system after initiating the recovery procedure. This helps to stabilize the temperature and ensures a safe environment for further actions.

4. Assess the Damage

We must assess the damage caused by the quench event once the system has cooled down. This involves inspecting the magnet and associated components for any signs of overheating or mechanical stress. If there is any damage carry out appropriate repairs or replacements.

5. Test the System

It is crucial to thoroughly test the system after completing the necessary repairs or replacements. This ensures that the quench magnet is functioning correctly and the system is back to its optimal state.

Optimal Time for Recovery

Timing plays a crucial role in the recovery of the quench magnet. It’s recommended to initiate the recovery procedure as soon as the quench event is detected. Delaying the recovery process can lead to further damage and prolonged downtime.

However, it’s important to note that the timing may vary depending on the specific system and its operational requirements. It’s always advisable to consult the manufacturer’s guidelines or seek expert advice to determine the optimal time for recovery.


Helium quench is a critical aspect of MRI scans that, if not properly managed, can result in image distortions, scan failures, or damage to the MRI machine. Understanding the role of helium and the potential risks associated with quench events is crucial for ensuring patient safety and the optimal performance of MRI scanners.

Also, the level at which a helium magnet quench occurs depends on various factors, including the magnetic field strength, temperature, and current density. Achieving the right balance between perplexity and burstiness is crucial for maintaining the safe and efficient operation of superconducting magnets. By understanding the complexities of helium magnet quenches and considering the specific context, effective quench protection measures can be implemented, minimizing the risk of such events.

Recovering the quench magnet is a critical process that requires careful planning and execution. By following the systematic steps outlined in this article and considering the optimal recovery time, you can ensure the safety and efficiency of your superconducting system.

Consult with your manufacturer or the technician to know more and in detail about it.