Tag: Medical Equipment

  • Installing a CT Scan: What you need to know?

    Installing a CT Scan: What you need to know?

    The installation of Computer Tomography (CT) scan machines requires careful preparation and consideration to ensure smooth operation. We will discuss some important steps you should take to properly prepare a room for the successful installation of your new machine.  Planning Before beginning your preparation for a CT scan machine installation, you must have a detailed…

  • CT Scan Room size: What do you need to know?

    CT Scan Room size: What do you need to know?

    CT scan machines are essential pieces of medical equipment used in the diagnosis and treatment of various medical conditions. As such, they must adhere to strict safety standards set by The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB). According to the AERB, all facilities installing or using a Computerized Tomography (CT) scanner must have an adequate space…

  • What is Medical  Equipment Hub?

    What is Medical Equipment Hub?

    The medical devices industries are rapidly evolving and have become an integral part of healthcare. They include a variety of machines, tools, implants, and prosthetics. It is designed to help diagnose illnesses quickly and effectively as well as assist with the treatment process. A medical equipment hub is an online platform that provides access to…